Keep Manchester Tidy

Lets make Manchester the first tidy city! 

Manchester City Council and Keep Britain Tidy are joining forces with the aim of making Manchester the country’s first ‘Tidy City’ by 2020.

The “Keep Manchester Tidy” campaign is the first formal partnership between a UK city and the national charity and is a potential trailblazer for a national network of ‘Tidy Cities’ in the future.

The shared ambition of Keep Britain Tidy and the council is for a cleaner city, with better parks, green spaces and waterways, which recycles more and plays its part in limiting the impacts of climate change.

Your support will help improve the environment on your doorstep, eliminating litter, ending waste and creating great places for everyone.

“By bringing everyone together, we know that we can make a real difference and not just make Manchester tidy, but Keep Manchester Tidy.”

For more information go to our useful links to see how you can get involved.